Archive | March, 2013

HTML Web Design Tutorials: HTML insert text tag and HTML delete tag Lesson 10

25 Mar

HTML Web Design tutorials – Hyper Text Markup Language. This HTML Web Design tutorial will show you how to use the inserted HTML tag and the delete HTML tag. The insert tag for HTML design will usually render with an underline. Whereas a delete tag will put a line through the HTML text. A good place to see an example of HTML with a line through text is Amazon since they have products that often show sale pricing versus old pricing. Thanks for viewing our web design tutorials! Subscribe to stay tuned for new web design tutorials.

Feedback is really important to us please leave us a comment on how effective our web design tutorial are. In fact we read through every comment left on our web design tutorials. If you notice any issues while watching our web design tutorial please let us know so we can fix it. Also be sure to check out some our web design tutorials on Xara Web Designer.

HTML Web Design Tutorials – HTML Website Link Anchor Tag and HTML Attributes Lesson 9

24 Mar

HTML Web Design tutorials – Hyper Text Markup Language. This HTML Web Design tutorial will explain how to setup an HTML website link using an HTML attribute. HTML attributes come in name and value pairs and the value should always be surrounded by quotes. Their many types of HTML attributes for HTML web design but for this tutorial we will focus on the name and value pair that relates to website links. The letter “a” used for the website link tag stands for anchor. Thanks for viewing our Web Design Tutorials. Be sure to view some of our other web design tutorials for Xara Web Designer. Subscribe to stay tuned for new web design tutorials.

Visit our business website to purchase web design templates.

HTML Web Design Tutorials – HTML Bold and Italics Tag Lesson 8

23 Mar

HTML Web Design tutorials – Hyper Text Markup Language. This HTML Web Design tutorial will help you learn how to use the HTML bold and italics tag. A explanation of the emphasized and strong HTML Web Design Tags will be explain as well. If you have any questions about this Web Design Tutorial feel free to leave a comment or ask a question. Thanks for viewing our Web Design Tutorials. Be sure to view some of our other web design tutorials on Xara Web Designer software. Subscribe to stay tuned for new web design tutorials.

Feedback is really important to us please leave us a comment on how effective our web design tutorial are. In fact we read through every comment left on our web design tutorials. If you notice any issues while watching our web design tutorial please let us know so we can fix it.

HTML Web Design Tutorials – HTML Comment Tag Lesson 7

22 Mar

HTML Web Design tutorials – Hyper Text Markup Language. This HTML web design tutorial will show you how to create a comment tag. The web design comment tag is used for the back-end of website as a reminder to you and anyone else who is making edits to the HTML Web Design file. In other words the HTML comment tag is not visible on website when a visitor comes to your website. If this Web Design Tutorial was helpful don’t forget to give us thumbs up. Thanks for watching our web design tutorials! Be sure to view some of our other web design tutorials on other web design playlists. Subscribe to stay tuned for new web design tutorials.

Visit our business website to purchase web design templates.

HTML Web Design Tutorials – HTML Horizontal Line Tag Lesson 6

21 Mar

HTML Web Design tutorials – Hyper Text Markup Language. This HTML web design tutorial will show you how to use the Horizontal Coding tag for HTML to divide content on your web design page. The Horizontal Line HTML web design code is an empty tag and therefore it does not have to be closed. Even if you are using a stricter version of HTML the horizontal tag does not need to be closed. Thanks for watching our web design tutorials! Be sure to view some of our other web design tutorials for Xara Web Designer. Subscribe to stay tuned for new web design tutorials.
Feedback is really important to us please leave us a comment on how effective our web design tutorial are. In fact we read through every comment left on our web design tutorials. If you notice any issues while watching our web design tutorial please let us know so we can fix it.

Visit our business website to purchase web design templates.

HTML Web Design Tutorials – HTML Line Break Tag Lesson 5

20 Mar

HTML Web Design tutorials – Hyper Text Markup Language. This HTML web design tutorial will show you how to use a line break tag to format paragraphs within your HTML website. The line break HTML tag is a special tag because it is an empty tag in other words their is no content show for an line break tag and also it doesn’t have an opening and closing tag. Thanks for watching our web design tutorials! Be sure to view some of our other web design tutorials on other web design playlists for Xara Web Designer. Subscribe to stay tuned for new web design tutorials.

Feedback is really important to us please leave us a comment on how effective our web design tutorials are. In fact we read through every comment left on our web design tutorials. If you notice any issues while watching our web design tutorial please let us know so we can fix it.

HTML Web Design Tutorials – Paragraph HTML tag Lesson 4

19 Mar

HTML Web Design tutorials – Hyper Text Markup Language. This HTML web design tutorial will show you how to add a paragraph HTML tag to your website so that you can display paragraphs. The paragraph tag does not automatically render formatting for your paragraphs therefore you will need to apply additional HTML web design codes to render the formatting for how you want to display information. For example if you created a line break it would not show when viewed in web browser unless you use proper HTML web design coding. Also it will not show spaces between content unless proper mark up tag is applied to website paragraph. Thanks for watching our web design tutorials! Be sure to view some of our Xara Web Designer tutorials on our other playlist. Subscribe to stay tuned for new web design tutorials.

Feedback is really important to us please leave us a comment on how effective our web design tutorial are. In fact we read through every comment left on our web design tutorials. If you notice any issues while watching our web design tutorial please let us know so we can fix it.

HTML Web Design Tutorials – HTML heading tags H1 to H6 Lesson 3

18 Mar

HTML Web Design tutorials – Hyper Text Markup Language. This HTML Web Design tutorial will explain how to add a Heading tag for your website. The heading tag is very important because it helps search engines to determine what the main topic is on a particular web page within your website. The HTML codes for heading tags range from h1 to h6 with h1 being the most important or in other words the main heading HTML web design tag. Make sure to give the h1 tag the most importance in terms of titles on your web page for headings. Another rule I recommend you follow is to never repeat a header tag on the same page for example you would never have two h1 tags on the same web page but you could have one h1 tag on one page and another h1 tag on another web page within your website.

I will also show you how to open the HTML coding file we created previously since it has been converted to an HTML web design file instead just a regular notepad file. It’s also important to try to include keywords or phrases in your headings so that the search engines can determine what type of content your web page is about and thus give you relevant ranking based on that information. Be sure to view some of our Xara Web Designer tutorials on our other playlist. Subscribe to stay tuned for new web design tutorials.

Visit our business website to purchase web design templates.

HTML Web Design Tutorials – HTML Structure and Opening and Closing Tags Lesson 2

17 Mar

HTML Web Design tutorials – Hyper Text Markup Language. Learn how to setup up a basic structure for a HTML web design document, define the HTML version, open and close HTML tags and learn how to apply the proper file extensions when saving document in notepad. This web design tutorial is by no means a complete structure for HTML coding and is only a brief introduction to HTML web design. This video will only go over a brief introduction to the structure of an HTML document and in a future tutorial we will go over additional components that are needed to add extra functionality. When saving your document it has to be saved as “html” or “htm” for the file extension. One very important concept that you must understand when you finish watching this video tutorial is opening and closing tags because that is a foundational concept that is necessary for you to become successful at creating proper HTML websites. When we define the document type we will be using the newest version of HTML called HTML5 so that our websites will meet the newest standards of the future. If after watching this web design tutorial you still need help please let us know and we will do our best to assist you with improving your knowledge in HTML.

Visit our business website to purchase web design templates. If you are doing web design we also recommend that you check out our Xara Web Designer tutorials.

If you have any questions about this web design tutorial please feel free to leave a comment.

HTML Web Design Tutorials – Introduction to HTML Hyper Text Markup Language Lesson 1

16 Mar

HTML Web Design tutorials – Hyper Text Markup Language. This HTML web design tutorial will explain what HTML is and how it can benefit you rather you are looking to build a website from the ground up or you are planning on using a combination of automated software and HTML Design and need the flexibility to still make fine tune edits to your website. From a simplistic view the primary purpose of HTML design is to interpret and display text based content in a given web browser. For example when you read articles online from places like wall-street journal, yahoo and so on; that information is displayed through HTML markup language. However it can do other things including but not limited to displaying images, videos and so on.

One of the ways to easily remember what HTML web design does is to look at it this way, (HTML) “Hyper Text” deals with displaying text and “Markup Language” deals with markup tags. The Markup tags in HTML web design is what allows the browser to interpret and determine what type of content is being displayed. For example if you were writing a paragraph then you would use a HTML markup tag for displaying paragraphs.  Throughout this web design series we will focus on the current HTML language, which is HTML 5. In the next web design tutorial we will go over the next steps to help you get started with learning the HTML Markup Language.

Visit our business website to purchase web design templates. If you are doing web design we also recommend that you check out our Xara Web Designer tutorials.

If you have any questions about this web design tutorial please feel free to leave a comment.